Once flat again I could tack in a patch to be fully welded in. Still able to hammer out any distortion through the B pillar from the other side. Holes now gone.


I was now able to align the pillar and weld across the back of it and side. Also added weld to both sides to better join the lip left from the face of the pillar as the seat belt mount plate will attach there. Regulations call for a minimum of a 50x75x3mm, ( 2"x3"x1/8") plate for the seat belt mounting bolts. I have gone taller and slightly thicker in this case. A 7/16" UNF nut is mounted behind the plate, the same used on all belt mounting points.


Sometimes you have to be a bit creative to align things before tacking! So both upper seat belt mounts done and the inner window frame extended and welded into place.


Before any grinding is done on these welds, I look for any obvious low spots like this. A rounded chisel is hammered on to knock the low spot level.


I showed earlier the unsound joint here on both sides. Ended up removing the tack channel from the fill in piece that was too short, and then welding up the rest of the joint. Then fitting a longer tack channel back in its place to meet up with the one that goes down the A pillar. The welds along the side peaked outwards as it had not been probably shaped beforehand. I held this spoon behind the seam and hammer the weld outside until it just touched the spoon. You can feel and hear it when this happens. I didn't want to stretch this weld at all due to the outwards peak it had.