After grinding, some low spots were hammered out from behind using this that I had made for the corners. Just concentrating on getting a good shape without spending a lot of time getting a metal finish on this project. Corner joint looked like a baseball cap where it meets the visor part where the two sections met after the 1.5" strip was cutout. Was able to re-shape it to flow better though.


The left on these two joints had about a 3mm-1/8" gap that needed to be welded up. It pulled a bit more on that side but both seams need to hammer on dolly to stretch the weld and raise it up. Flows much better now and no dips in it.


View from the rear. Dressed up the front weld and got some shape correction back into it. The centre fill in piece is pulled way down.


Starting to sit up a bit more now but will go on first welding the other half before going any further. Front section has all been welded now. This half went a lot quicker as I was able to correct the shape before welding, but had to cut some of their tacks and redo them to get the shape right. This was because the metal was forced to meet up and then tacked under pressure by them. So much harder to correct the shape when done this way and I could see the strain on the metal. They were forming little 'puckers'.


Big gaps like this I hold a copper spoon behind it as I weld it up. The weld wont stick to the copper and helps stop the gas blowing through the gap and causing porosity. Just watch out though as the copper gets damn hot and will burn you if you accidentally lean on it! Got me right between the gloves and the overalls.